Zone sanitary protection sources for drinking water supply

Article 77

On areas that are used as sources for drinking water supply and sanitation and hygiene needs determine the three zones of sanitary protections, such as: IRA zone tamper, tamper ua zones and zones for immediate Shut up.

With those hot tamper referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article represent zatićenu area and determined in accordance with a hydro, hidrogeolok them and drug them , characteristic vima zemljita and sub-basins, the type of sources and its environment The source, the capacity of the source and other factors affecting the issue of the source, and shall be kept in a manner that does not endanger the health correctness of the water at the source.

The minister, the minister responsible for health and the minister responsible for environmental protection, prescribe in greater detail which sources, in terms of capacity, determine the zones of sanitary protection, as well as the manner of determining, Maintenance and use of sanitary protection zones.

The request for the determination of the sanitary protection zone shall be submitted by the authority of the local self-government unit in whose territory the sources are located for which the sanitary protection zones are foreseen in the study.

If zones are covered in the territory of several local self-government units, the request is submitted by each local government unit for the protection zones in its territory.

The Minister in charge of health affairs, and for the territory of the autonomous province, the competent authority of the autonomous province, shall issue a decision on determining the zone of sanitary protection of the source referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, on the basis of the study referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article .

Against the decision referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article, issued by the competent authority of the Autonomous Province for the territory of the Autonomous Province, an appeal may be lodged to the Minister in charge of health within 15 days from the date of delivery of this decision .

A decision made by the Minister for Health referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article is finally in the administrative procedure and an administrative dispute can be initiated against this decision.

Pursuant to the final decision referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article, sanitary protection zones are entered in the water management plan, spatial (spatial plan of the local self-government unit) and urban (general and regulatory) plan.

Water quality testing at sources

Article 78

For the water body from which the average may affect more than 100 m 3 / day, and that the water management plan intended to supply water for drinking and for sanitation and hygiene needs in the future, provide continuously measuring the amount of water and testing Its quality.

The measurement and testing referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be performed according to the annual program issued by the Ministry.

Measurement and testing referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be carried out by a republic organization responsible for hydrometeorological operations.

Measurement and examination referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be performed by another legal entity authorized by the Ministry to perform these tasks.

The Minister shall issue a decision authorizing a legal entity referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article, if it has:

1) act on granting accreditation by the competent accreditation body for the performance of water quality testing activities;

2) references to activities referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

The minister’s decision referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article is finally in the administrative procedure and an administrative dispute can be initiated against him.

Face from st. 3 and 4 of this Article, it is indispensable that the data on the quantity and quality of water be submitted quarterly to the Ministry, the Ministry of Health , the Ministry responsible for environmental protection, the Agency for the Protection of Life Environment, public water management company, and for groundwater and the ministry responsible for geology.

The data referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be public.

Research works at the source

Article 79

To go from the source read povrinskih water which serves for the supply of drinking water, can be used only if it is re-use in accordance with the water balance, and if the previously carried Istrans works according to the law .

To go from the source reads the groundwater that serves for the supply of drinking water, can be used only if it is in accordance with the water balance, and if the previously carried hidrogeoloki Istrans articles according to the conditions and methods of Geological research prescribed by the law regulating geological explorations.

ISTRANA r Adove from st . 1 and 2 of this article are considered the works including determining s reserves , betrayal and quality of water in a particular with roots .

The scope and type of research works referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be determined by the Ministry by a decision.

The scope and type of research papers referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be determined by the ministry in charge of detailed geological exploration.

The decision from par. 4 and 5 of this Article is finally in the administrative procedure and an administrative dispute can be initiated against it.

Obligations of the performers of the research and other works

Article 80

If the occasion awakening and Istrana works in mining or during the execution of mining and other works comes to aquifer , except potpovrinskog aquifer , contractor works Duan is to immediately take measures to prevent pollution of underground water and that The Ministry and the Ministry responsible for geological exploration activities shall be informed about the aquifer and the measures taken .

If the Ministry inform the contractor that the water from the aquifer will not immediately use protects , performer of works is duan that of its triangular closed buotinu .

Wells and buotine with free emphasizing water must be equipped with devices to regulate highlighting water and anti- water from pollution .

Providing minimum sustainable flow

Article 81 .

When abstraction of water from the water streams or reservoirs, must be downstream of the water procedure provide these minimum the sustainable flow rate, taking into account, in particular: a hydro-mode streams and characteristics of the stream from the point of binding water and water protections , State aquatic and coastal ecosystems.

The minister and the minister competent for activities to keep you protected environment closer to prescribe the manner and criteria for determining an minimum odrivog flow . Using water for irrigation

Conditions for using water

Member 82 .

The use of water for irrigation of agricultural or other land shall be carried out in accordance with the conditions established by the water permit, and if the use of water for irrigation is done on the basis of the concession, and in accordance with the contract regulating the concession.

Water quality

Article 83

The water that is used for irrigation of agricultural crops must meet the requirements in terms of quality, taking into account the type zemljita, mode of irrigation, as well as agricultural crops.

Minister b lie regulation uje conditions in terms of quality and water referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article. Using water power

Terms of use

Article 84

Binding of water power for production of electric energy or the drive unit power water boiling in accordance with the conditions laid down in the water permit, and if the Binding boiling water power under concession, in accordance with the contract governing the concession .

Design and construction of facilities and devices

Article 85

Design and from the construction of facilities and equipment for Binding water sn and by boiling it so that:

1) allow water to be returned to water or other surface water, after the use of energy ;

2) it does not diminish the existing volume and does not prevent the use of water to supply the population and other users with drinking water, irrigation and other purposes, in accordance with this Law ;

3) Do not reduce the level of protection against harmful effects of water and does not impair the implementation of measures and protection ;

4) they do not deteriorate the conditions of sanitary protection and do not adversely affect the state of the environment;

5) provides them the Multifunction about Binding, with the aim of compulsory anti- flood . Using water for navigation

Article 86

Water for navigation may be used under conditions determined by this Law and by a special law. Using water for fish farming

Article 87

The use of water for fish farming in the pond shall be carried out in accordance with this Law and a special law.

Hot water fishponds can not be built in places where they are located or are planned groundwater sources, or on which the construction of water bodies for protection against the harmful effects of water is planned .

It is forbidden to cage fish farming in reservoirs and which a case and as a source for the supply of water .

The pouring of reservoirs and canals is done in such a way that the prescribed water quality and the survival of aquatic ecosystems are not compromised.

P flat , or natural person who is stocking reservoirs and channels jeopardize lo prescribed water quality and survival of aquatic ecosystems, bear the costs of returning to the good status of surface-water. Use of water for sports, recreation and tourism

Article 88

K orićenj e water sports, recreation, including swimming and tourism screaming in accordance with this Law and special laws.

On accumulations for water supply, the use of a floating object with internal combustion engines is prohibited.

4.2.3. Exploitation of river deposits

The right to exploit river deposits

Article 89

Exploitation of river deposits is carried out from aquatic soil, at sites where it is of interest for preserving or improving aquatic conditions, to the extent that it will not impair water regime , the existing exploitation of groundwater, the stability of the coast And the natural balance of aquatic and coastal ecosystems .

The right to exploitation of river deposits is obtained by water consent, and if the exploitation of river deposits is based on the concession, and in accordance with the contract regulating the concession.

With the application for issuing a water consent, the following shall be submitted:

1) project exploitation river sediment;

2) soaping public water management companies to the exploitation project river sediment;

3) the opinion of the competent authority for navigation on inland waterways, when the exploitation of river deposits takes place on the waterway;

4) in the case of the exploitation of river sediment agricultural zemljita, the approval of the Ministry of the territory of AP agree nadlenog provincial bodies;

5) evidence of the right of ownership, or the right to use aquatic land, from which exploitation is carried out;

6) a copy of the lot;

7) act of the competent authority on the approval of the study on the environmental impact assessment, or the act of the competent authority which determines that no environmental impact assessment is required.

Obligations of the person performing the exploitation of river deposits

Article 90

The rule of lic e or entrepreneur moe that exploits river sediment if it is registered in the register of such activity.

The person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is obliged to:

1) line and a record of exploitation of river sediments, which in particular contains information on the location, type , quantity and the manner of exploitation of river sediments;

2) The data referred to in item 1) of this paragraph delivery mound Ministry, in the autonomous province of the competent authority of the autonomous province and the Public Water Management Company, no later than the 5th of the month for the previous month .

Prohibition of exploitation of river deposits

Article 91

The Minister shall prohibit the exploitation of river deposits if:

1) on the section of watercourse mining application or may be caused by an abnormality of the water regime;

2) there has been a disturbance of the stability of the riverbed or aquatic soil;

3) Loss of environmentally good status.

The decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is finally in the administrative procedure and an administrative dispute can be initiated against this decision.

4.3. Protects water from pollution

4.3.1 Concept and emission limit values

The term

Article 9 2 .

Protection of water, in the sense of this Law, is a set of measures and activities for which the quality of surface and groundwater is protected and improved, including from the impact of cross-border pollution, for:

1) preservation of life and health;

2) reduction of pollution and prevent further deterioration of water status;

3) ensuring unhindered and unhindered use of water for different purposes;

4) protect the aquatic and coastal ecosystems and achieve environmental quality standards in accordance with the regulations governing the protection of the environment and the environmental objectives.

Emission limit values

Article 93

In order to prevent deterioration in water quality and the environment, emission limit values ​​for certain groups or categories of pollutants are determined, for :

1) Technological wastewater prior to their discharge into the public sewage system;

2) Technological and other wastewaters directly discharged into the recipient;

3) waters that are discharged from the public sewage system to the recipient after the interruption;

4) wastewater discharged into the recipient from septic and collecting pit.

The government , on the proposal of the Minister nadlenog Affairs tamper environment, determines:

1) the emission limit values ​​referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, as well as the deadlines for reaching them;

2) limit values ​​of pollutants in surface and groundwater and sediment, including priority and priority hazardous substances in surface waters and deadlines for reaching them.

4.3. 2. Planning water protection

Plan water from pollution

Article 9 4 .

Water protection is carried out in accordance with the plan for protecting water from pollution.

The plan for protecting water from pollution shall contain in particular: measures for controlling, preventing, interrupting and reducing the intrusion into the surface and groundwater of hazardous substances; Measures to prevent the ingestion and disposal of waste and other substances in areas where this may affect the deterioration of water quality; Measures for wastewater treatment; Measures to prevent and control the enumeration of bulk pollution, to prevent their impact; Measures to protect aquatic ecosystems and other ecosystems that are directly dependent on aquatic ecosystems of hazardous and priority substances, including priority hazardous substances; Manner of implementation of intervention measures in certain cases of pollution; Bodies and legal persons who are obliged to implement certain measures and works; Deadlines for reducing water pollution; Measures needed to protect and improve water quality.

An integral part of the plan referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be the classification of water bodies of surface and groundwater established in accordance with this Law.

The plan referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article must be in accordance with the Strategy and the water management plan.

Getting a plan

Article 9 5 .

The plan for protecting water from pollution is adopted by the Government at the proposal of the Ministry for a period of six years.

The Ministry shall, every two years, counting from the date of adoption of the plan to protect the water from pollution from paragraph 1 of this Article, submit a report to the Government on the execution of that plan.

Coordination of plans

Member 96 .

The plan for pollution of water from pollution and the water protection action plan issued by the ministry responsible for environmental protection are mutually consistent.

4.3.3. Prohibitions and Obligations of Pollutants


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