Article 34
The water management plan for the Danube River Basin is prepared by the Ministry.
The Water Management Plan prepares:
1) for water areas referred to in Article 27, paragraph 1, item 1), 3), 4) and 7) of this Law; Public Water Supply Company Srbijavode ;
2) for water areas referred to in Article 27, paragraph 1, item 5) and 6) of this Law Public Water Company Vode Vojvodine </s>;
3) for the water area referred to in Article 27, paragraph 1, item 2 of this Law, Public Water Supply Company Beogradvode .
At the proposal of the Ministry, the Government adopts a water management plan for the Danube River basin and for the water areas referred to in Article 27 . Paragraph 1 point. 1), 3) and 4) of this Law.
The Executive Body of the Autonomous Province shall, upon the proposal of the competent authority of the autonomous province, with the approval of the Ministry, adopt the water management board for water areas referred to in Article 27 . Paragraph 1 point. 5), 6) and 7) of this Law .
The executive body of the city of Belgrade shall, upon the proposal of the competent body of the City, with the approval of the Ministry, adopt the water management plan for the water area referred to in Article 27 . Paragraph 1, item 2) of this Law .
Updating the water management plan
Article 35
Upon the expiration of a period of six years from the date of adoption of the management plan, its revision shall be made.
The amended plan referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, in addition to the elements contained in the water management plan, shall contain:
1) a summary of the changes from the date of adoption of the updated water management plan, as well as the extension of the deadlines for reaching the environmental objectives;
2) assessment of progress in achieving the objectives of the environment, as well as cartographic presentation of monitoring results for the previous period and explanation for each of the goals that was not achieved;
3) reasons why the planned measures have not been taken;
4) view additional measures for achieving the objectives defined environment.
The plan referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be adopted according to the procedure and manner of adoption of the water management plan.
Deviations from the established deadlines for the implementation of the water management plan
Article 36
If during the implementation of a water management plan , monitoring or otherwise found to be due to changes in water bodies caused by human activities or you will force e, for individual water bodies can not be on schedule and in a planned way to achieve objectives relating To achieve a good status or a good ecological potential, the authority responsible for the adoption of that plan shall establish the following measures:
1) examining the causes that led to such a situation;
2) review liked of the licenses issued in accordance with the law;
3) consideration of the monitoring program and boiling his shift;
4) Adopting additional measures to achieve the set goals.
The competent authority for the adoption of a water management plan , with the previously obtained consent of the Ministry and the ministry competent for environmental protection, may, in accordance with the procedure referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, identify for each water body, To:
1) a longer deadline for achieving targets if the achievement of targets within the foreseen deadlines would be technically unfeasible, inadequately expensive, or natural conditions would not allow a timely improvement of the status of the water body;
2) temporarily not achieve good water status or good potential of environmentally, if the deterioration of conditions to determine due to natural disasters or more forces that could not be foreseen;
3) Determine less stringent objectives if the water body, due to human activity or natural conditions, has been so altered that the achievement of the set objectives would be unfeasible or inappropriate.
Less stringent objectives referred to in paragraph 2, point 3) of this Article shall not jeopardize the achievement of objectives relating to the good status of surface and groundwater and good ecological potential in other water bodies within the same water area or sub-basin.
Strategic assessment of the environmental impact
Article 37
For the Strategy , a water management plan and a special water management plan, a strategic environmental impact assessment is mandatory , in accordance with the regulations governing environmental protection.
He will publicize the preparation of a water management plan
Article 38
The Ministry, that is, the public water supply company that prepares the water management plan, is obliged to provide active participation of the public in the process of preparation and adoption of the plan.
The Ministry, or the public water supply company, in writing, informs the National Water Conference, through the public information media and the public about:
1) the beginning of the preparation or revision of the water management plan, at least three years before the beginning of the period to which the plan relates;
2) capable of making water management plan and major problems in the given catchment area, no later than two years before the start of the period to which the plan refers.
Upply of the beginning of preparing or amending water management plan involves framework contents of the plan, consultations to izvriti, terms of preparation and adoption of the plan and address nadlenog authority from whom they can obtain further information.
The Ministry, or a public water supply company that has prepared a water management plan, is obliged to publish the draft plan at least one year before the beginning of the period to which the plan relates.
The draft plan is publicly disclosed to the premises of the Ministry and the public water management company and on their website.
Procedure for remarks
Article 39
Remarks on documents that are published to the public shall be submitted to the Ministry, or the public water management company, within a period of six months from the day when these documents were placed for public inspection.
Ministry or the Public Water Management Company du but he that delivered remarks Consider and and that of those objections heard within 30 days from the date of their receipt.