Article 62
In order to prevent and eliminate the harmful effects of erosion and torrents , preventive measures are carried out , and water facilities for protection against erosion and torrents are constructed and maintained and are carried out by protective works.
Preventive measures are considered in particular:
1) prohibited actions: desertion, shrinkage and clean cutting; Surface degradation; Uncontrolled digging and plowing of meadows, patches and unprocessed surfaces, for the cultivation of one-year crops; Accumulation of resources and uncontrolled collection and discharge of these waters; Long-term storage of solid materials; Construction of facilities without proper planning and project documentation; Exploitation of river deposits from the bottom or slopes, except for the needs of ensuring the permeability of the flow of torrents; Construction of facilities that could endanger the stability of the land (waterfalls, dams, canals, fishponds and the like); Other actions that promote erosion and the creation of torrents;
2) use of agricultural and other land in accordance with the requirements of anti-erosion regulation of the land.
Protective works, in the sense of this Law, are considered biotechnical and biological protective works, as follows: commemoration; Cultivation and preservation of protected vegetation; Contraction of plants; Zapravljanje; Terraces, raising orchards and fruit meadows; Melioration of the parsley; Cleaning of troughs and other similar works.
Preventive measures and protective works referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be carried out by the local self-government unit in accordance with the water management plan.
Providing funds for works and measures
Article 63
If torrential currents and strong erosion processes endanger settlements, industrial plants, main and regional roads and melioration systems, or if they are spreading in the territory of two or more units of local self-government, facilities for construction of buildings and execution of works and measures for The damage caused by the erosion and torrential effects is provided by local government units and the Republic of Serbia , and in the territory of the autonomous province, the units of local self-government and the autonomous province.
Obligation to carry out works and measures
Article 64
If water acts for the construction of a building require the execution of works and measures for protection against erosion and torrents, the legal entity that builds this facility is obliged to carry out those works and measures in the manner prescribed by the technical documentation before obtaining the operating permit for that facility .
Observation and measurement
Article 65
The Republic of Serbia provides observation and measurement of natural phenomena related to the protection of the harmful effects of waters.
The observation and measurement referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be carried out by a republic organization responsible for hydrometeorological operations and other legal entities specified in the operational plan.
Data on observations and measurements of natural phenomena referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article are public.
4.2. Arranging and using water
4.2.1. Water regulation
Article 66
The regulation of waters, in the sense of this law, is a set of measures and works on the preservation and regulation of water quantities, which are:
1) provides quantitative, spatial and time distribution of water for drinking water supply to residents, industry and other users;
2) Provides a good state of aquatic and coastal ecosystems;
3) increases the amount of water in the water courses during the low water period;
4) provide conditions for special use of water.
4.2.2 Use of water
General use of water
Article 67
General use of water means the use of water without prior treatment, that is, without the use of special devices (pumps, straps, etc.) or the construction of water objects, for:
1) pić e;
2) cattle feeding in the household;
3) sanitary and hygiene needs;
4) Recreation , including swimming;
5) fire extinguishing;
6) navigation.
According to the previously obtained opinion of the public water management company, the organ of the local self-government unit determines the place and method of using water for the purposes referred to in paragraph 1, item 4) of this Article.
Special use of water
Article 68
Any use of water that does not represent general use of water is a special use of water.
The right to special use of water is obtained through a water permit, and if special use of water is performed on the basis of the concession, and in accordance with the contract regulating the concession.
Temporary limitation of the right to special use of water
Article 69
The Ministry, and in the territory of the Autonomous Province, the competent authority of the Autonomous Province, may temporarily restrict the right to special use of waters:
1) If the natural phenomena jeopardize the provision of the amount of water or Ugro its quality, the balance of the natural aquatic ecosystem and coastal or reduced security against harmful effects of water;
2) in the case of greater damage to water bodies, which requires their reconstruction;
3) if water is not used rationally and economically, in accordance with the concession contract, or water permit;
4) if the use of water results in its pollution and endangerment of water and coastal ecosystems;
5) In other cases, resulting in a lack of water or reduced safety against the harmful effects of water.
Status of buildings after the cessation of the right to special use of water
Article 70
The holder of the right to special use of waters is obliged, after the termination of this right, to remove objects built for the purpose of exercising this right, at its expense, within one year.
If the holder of the right does not remove the facility within the deadline referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, his removal shall be carried out by a public water undertaking , at the expense of the person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
If the facility referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article can be used to protect against harmful effects of water, use of water, protection of water quality or preservation of ecosystems, it becomes a public property.
In the case referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, the Ministry, and in the territory of the autonomous province, the competent authority of the autonomous province, is obliged to notify the holder of that right of possibility 30 days before the expiration of the right to special use of water acquired on the basis of a water permit. The use of that facility for the purposes referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, thereby terminating its obligation to remove that facility.
Purpose, conditions and priorities in the use of water
Article 71
K orićenje water , in terms of this law, includes Binding:
1) surface and ground water for supplying drinking water, sanitary and hygiene needs, for industry and other purposes;
2) water for irrigation ;
3) water power for electricity production and device operation;
4) water for fishponds;
5) water for navigation ;
6) water for sport , recreation and tourism.
K orićenje water referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article screaming in accordance with this Law and special laws.
Water must be used rationally about and economically on.
Each user is Duan that the water used in a way that m is not denied the right Binding water to other persons and not ugroavaju objectives environment.
Binding water to supply the population with water for drinking , sanitary about -higijenske needs , supply of cattle and the defense of the country has priority over Binding water for other purposes . Water supply
Binding of water suitable to drink
Article 72
Underground water with the quality of the god nim for drinks and water from public sources used only for : supply of water the population , sanitary about -higijenske needs , supply of cattle , for the purposes of the n dustry which requires high quality water ( food , pharmaceutical and Dr. atmosphere ) And the needs of small consumers (below 1 l / s) .
The waters that are the water management plan specific to drink do not can be used for other purposes , except for fire extinguishing, even in a way that would adversely impact on the amount and properties of water .
Identification of water bodies and their protection
Article 73
In order to permanently ensure the conditions for using water and to safeguard its quality, a public water utility company is obliged to identify in each water area water bodies of underground and surface waters that are used or can be used for human consumption in Future, in an average quantity of water greater than 10 m 3 / day or for supplying drinking water to more than 50 inhabitants.
The areas on which there are water bodies referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be pins of deliberate or accidental pollution and other influences which may adversely affect on the betrayal sources and to the health correctness of water .
Areas referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be entered in the register of protected areas.
The obligation to control the quality and quantity of water
Member 74 .
A public enterprise, or other legal person performing water supply operations, is obliged to:
1) Place the device and provide continuous and systematic registration of water quantity and water quality testing on the water ;
2) take measures for ensuring health safety of water for drinking and maintain the hygiene of the house;
3) p reduction measures to ensure the technical correctness of the device .
The legal person, that is, the entrepreneur who uses water in the process of work or production, is obliged to ensure constant and systematic registration of the quantity of water.
Face from st. 1. and 2. of this Article, it is imperative that the data on the measurements of the quantity and quality of water on the water supply be submitted to the Ministry and the public water management company, at least once a year.
The public water supply company shall enter the data referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article into a water information system.
Healthy water quality and hygiene maintenance in the facility
Article 75
The water that is used for drinking , for the production and processing of food and items of general use, sanitary – hygienic needs and bathing must meet the requirements in terms of safety.
The water facility for the supply of drinking water and sanitary and hygiene needs and its immediate surroundings must meet the special sanitary and hygienic conditions with regard to the construction and maintenance of hygiene in the facility in order to prevent the formation and suppression of pathways for the transmission of infectious diseases with water, In accordance with this and other law.
The Minister in charge of health matters prescribes the conditions regarding the health safety of water referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and the sanitary and hygienic conditions with regard to the construction and maintenance of hygiene in a water facility referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article.
Water bodies and sources for regional drinking water supply
Article 76
Water bodies, respectively and zvorita which serves the regional supply of water for drinking are good opteg of interest.
The water bodies and borders and bears referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be determined by the Government.
The sources referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be entered in the public register of the register of immovable property and the rights thereon.